Chapter 05: Personal Banking


In this chapter, students will learn how to write checks, fill out deposit slips, maintain a checkbook register, and reconcile a bank statement. Endorsements and overdraft protection are discussed. Simple and compound annual interest are calculated. The compound interest formula is then adjusted to shorter compounding periods. A formula for finding the effective interest rate is  developed so that two compound rates can be compared. Savings account interest is calculated by the minimum-balance and daily-interest methods. The concept of a savings program is introduced, and formulas for the amount saved by regular monthly deposits and for the monthly payment required to meet a savings goal over time are developed.

What you can expect to learn

After this chapter you should be able to
1. fill out a deposit slip, write checks, and keep an accurate checkbook record.
2. reconcile a bank statement.
3. calculate both simple and compound interest by formula.
4. calculate the earnings from a savings account and the amount needed monthly to attain a savings goal.
5. compare different savings rates and compounding intervals by determining the effective interest rates.
6. differentiate among a savings account, CD, money market account, IRA, and 401(k).
7. understand the use of online and mobile banking.

Activity List