Capítulo 03: Las clases que tengo


This chapter introduces gustar and tener, “ir + a + destination,” and regular -er and -ir verbs. Audio files include activities with school schedules, telling time, and -er and -ir verbs; a dialogue about daily plans; practice telling where people are going; questions about school; and pronunciation exercises (diphthongs and the -y/-ía cognate family).

What you can expect to learn

  • describe class schedules
  • express the current time and the time at which an event begins or ends
  • identify places related to school
  • talk about where someone is going
  • talk about school-related activities
  • identify important people, places, and facts related to Spain
  • evaluate from a biblical perspective the consequences of key events in Spanish history
  • describe the Hispanic concept of punctuality
  • evaluate from a biblical perspective the Hispanic concept of punctuality
  • identify several implications of the Creator-creation relationship between God and human beings

Capitulo 03 Audio Files

Activity List