Topic Overview
- While the student completes the assessment, a parent or teacher should be present and monitoring the student’s progress.
- The student should answer each question to the best of his or her knowledge.
- The system will show whether the answer is correct or incorrect after the student submits it. To ensure the student does not get overwhelmed, encourage him or her to proceed without thinking over the results.
- Since this assessment does not place a student in a grade, grade placements should be made in conjunction with standardized test scores, a Scope & Sequence overview, and a parent’s or teacher’s discretion.
- Keep in mind that this test may indicate gaps from your student’s previous experience if your student has not completed BJU Press’s Math 5 (3rd edition).
The student will receive a score reflecting the number of correct answers out of the total number of questions. The possible scores are as follows:
- A score of 92–101 indicates an excellent understanding of Math 5 concepts.
- A score of 82–91 indicates a good understanding of Math 5 concepts.
- A score of 53–81 indicates your student will benefit from reviewing Math 5.
- A score of 52 or below indicates your student may need a full review of Math 5.
A high score does not guarantee student success in proceeding to the next grade level, nor does a low score necessarily indicate a student will not succeed in the next grade level. Teachers and parents must consider other possible factors that may help or hinder a student’s success.